Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Power of Cross Grade and School Collaboration

The parking lot conversation that sparked it all...

As I got out of my car and attempted to shield my hair from the torrential rain that was falling, I noticed one of the high school teachers huddled under an umbrella outside on morning bus supervision. As miserable as it was, she still had a big smile on her face as she greeted the less then excited high school students off their busses. I waved as I began my mad dash to the school doors. Before I could complete my journey, she hurdled a few puddles and was suddenly standing in front of me. Out of breath, she began to explain that she had an awesome project idea that she wanted me to review with her for her Communication Tech students.

As I became more soaked and gave up on saving any life I had left in my hair, she began to describe how her Communication Technology students at the Comp were learning about a new Raster graphics through Adobe Photoshop. The original assignment was to have the Comm Tech students create a magazine cover. The teacher envisioned her students having authentic clients to create a design for.

“Did you know of anyone or group who would be willing to take on the role of ‘playing’ clients for my students?” she asked.

As an Instructional Coach, I have the pleasure of being in different schools and learning spaces. I am able to connect and work closely with multiple teachers on a weekly basis. I have no idea why this conversation in the rain sparked an idea within the depths of my brain…it could have been the hypothermia setting in.  I had just collaborated with two grade 2 teachers from Red Deer Lake school. Their students had been focused on improving their descriptive writing.  The Grade 2’s most recent writing composition was to write about their dreams and aspirations for the future.

What they wanted to be, where they wanted to live…where they saw themselves in 10-20 years.

“Well, do you know of anyone who might be interested in being a client?” the water logged high school teacher questioned again.

In my mind I began to pair the two groups of vastly different aged students together. I might have an entire bus load of clients I thought to myself…

“I have clients for you…but they are only seven years old,” I offered.

The Dream Project was born!

Instead of the magazine cover, the high school students were given the task of working with a ‘real client,’--- a 7 year- old, who wanted their writing to come alive through digital design! The grade 2 students’ depth of understanding of the importance description in their writing also became a powerful focus.

The Clients Arrive…

Forty-four grade 2 students from Red Deer Lake school, travelled to the Foothills Composite to meet their high school Designer in person. First, the Culinary senior class prepared an amazing lunch for all the Red Deer Lake students and teachers. The Culinary Arts class was assessed on their preparation and serving of the food.

Designing Dreams

Full to the brim, the grade 2 clients entered the Comm Tech and Lab and spent over an hour with their personal high school ‘Design Artist’ who had the task of making their dreams become a reality. The grade two students immediately began giving feedback and direction by describing the dream that they had written to their high school designers. The Comm tech students experienced real world ‘pressure’ placed on them by these young clients who knew exactly what they wanted.  These seven year olds, proved to be tough clients. 

Media on the Scene…

The High School FNN Media Team captured the entire afternoon of learning through videos and interviews. These media students had been given this collaboration event as an assignment to cover and create a short film segment for the Comp’s News FNN Broadcast, along with media for the Foothills School Division.

FNN News Broadcast Team

Watch the FNN News Broadcast!  Quick Link:

Descriptive Writing becomes a reality.

Future “rich” dentist…

The result was magic. Dreams really do come true.

The entire day was dedicated to collaboration and learning. The various connections to curriculum outcomes and competencies were countless. Relationships between students and FSD colleagues also were made.  All stakeholders within this project benefited. Designing a future Dream project for next year between these two schools has already started.

(Above) One page spread in the 2019 FCHS Yearbook: The Dream Project

Writing Gr 2 Rubric

Since, The Dream Project unfolded, more FSD schools have partnered with various FCHS departments and have been collaborating and learning together.

In FSD, we have a wealth of powerful programs and people who are dedicated to designing incredible learning. We do not need to look far to find authentic opportunities…

More Collaboration Projects and Learning:

Dr. Morris Gibson School students visit FCHS to engage in a writing task with 30-1 students.


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