Session presented by ReLeah Cossett Lent, September 29, 2017
Written by Shain Chisholm, Instructional Coach, Foothills School
Armed with the knowledge that strong
literacy skills are a predictor of future economic success, teachers are
rightly being asked to enhance the literacy skills of their students. While educators
push to improve literacy skills of all our students in all classes, ReLeah
Cossett Lent weighs in to say that teaching literacy does not necessarily
equate to being a “teacher of
reading”. To clarify Lent states:
a science teacher to become a teacher of reading is not fair, nor is it an
efficient use of her time. Instead, we
must ask disciplinary teachers to share the secrets of literacy that work in
their content areas.”
(ReLeah Lent, September 2017)
This may be a relief as non-English
language teachers may feel an extra burden of doing the “job” of the English
teachers on top of teaching their curriculum.
Rather than have teachers teach generic literacy strategies, Lent endorses
a shift to disciplinary literacy skills that are inherent to specific content areas.
In the following table, Lent offers some
suggestions for teaching within the disciplines:
Shifts for Teaching Reading
Within the Disciplines
· Show students how experts in your field read relevant texts, not
just how to read a textbook.
· Provide students with a wide variety of texts of varying lengths
related to disciplinary topics instead of a single resource.
· Model the language of the discipline by reading aloud and
explaining why experts use the words or terms in certain ways rather than
engaging in isolated vocabulary study.
· Challenge students’ perception of literacy by talking about how
disciplinary experts read, write, speak and think that might not conform to
conventional rules in ELA classes.
· Think in terms of how students will use new information to do work
within the disciplines rather than only for test-taking purposes.
· Give students time to read in class and encourage reading at home.
As a result of teaching through a
disciplinary lens, strategies are adapted to better reflect the thinking
required within the various disciplines.
For example, Lent sees a “K-W-L“/“See-Think-Wonder” becoming:
Observe-infer-conclude in science
Deconstruct-solve-apply in math
Analyze-compare/evaluate-infer in history
Summarize-analyze-evaluate-write in English
Listen-comprehend-speak in foreign language
Observe-analyze-express in art
The key to increased reading results:
Lent points out that students will never
become better readers by simply memorizing steps in steps. Students become better readers when they engage in the practice of reading.
“When students are provided with engaging texts, “reluctant” students
often prove they can read pretty well” (Lent 2016.)
It may seem like common sense to effective
educators, but Lent highlights the key to motivating students to become better
readers and writers is to provide them with engaging
texts to view, discuss, read and write
about. Lent encourages us to be text scavengers, seeking resources that will ignite the curiosity of students and
motivate them to want to read. Here are
a few ways Lent suggests to “prime the
pump” for student literacy learning.
Here are some examples of photos that can
be used to create intrigue and student interest

Current event and historical articles
Photos with or without captions
Charts and tables
Picture books
Recipes & supply lists
Primary documents
Intriguing/Fascinating photos
Award-winning fiction and nonfiction books
for school-aged children
The Canadian Children’s Book
Center Awards
Coretta Scott King Awards 2017
NCTE Orbnis Pictus Award for
Outstanding Nonfiction
Caldecott Medal (Most
outstanding American picture book for children)
John Newbery Medal (American
Library Association award for best children’s book)
Michael L. Printz Aw. ard
(Young Adult Book Awards)
National Book Award Young
People’s Award (Young People’s Literature)
Scott O’Dell Award (Historical
Robert F. Sibert Informational
Book Award (Best nonfiction)
Lent advocates a similar shift in philosophy in writing as with
reading with regards to writing
in the different disciplines:
Shifts for Teaching Writing
Within the Disciplines
Show students
how to write in your discipline by providing students with (an):
· Article a week
· Read-alouds
· Mentor texts
Have students
write every day as it relates to your discipline.
· Exit slips
· Interactive exploratory notebooks
· Reflection pieces
· Informational/argumentative short tasks
· Summaries
· Analyses
· Poetry
· Blogs
· Choice writing in ELA classes
· Sketchnoting.
Lent is a passionate proponent of a disciplinary approach to literacy that provides exciting learning possibilities for
students. Using multiple literacy resources
as an intrinsic tool for work in their discipline, teachers are better able to ignite student curiosity, deepen content
knowledge and engagement in all disciplines as well as help them acquire skills to make
them college and career ready.
For more in-depth information along with a plethora of practical
approaches to employing literacy in the various content areas, ReLeah Lent has
authored “This is Disciplinary
Literacy : Reading, writing, thinking, and doing…content area by content area.”
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